Sunday, September 30, 2007


standing, kafya 7'ery shary, in my little kitchen... erasing the traces of the hurricane that hit the place earlier... wearing my mobile's headphone...cause huba-huba is sleeping (no wonder it was 5:30a.m)...when it hit me... the headline in the news just striked me...
2al 2eeh 7'er Allahum eg3aluh 7'eer ya3ny...Nour El Malky encourages Iraqi parliament to take a quick FORMAL decision about the congress DECISION concerning deviding Iraq into three separate-sub-countries under fedral authority...
and i was like... ya lahwee yamaaah...
tab w leeh yet3ibu nafsuhum y ya7'do decision men asasuh... mahy el set el waldah 2amet bel wageb w shwayaaaah...la2 shwayeteen talatah....
i couldn't believe myself and i had to see it with my own eyes on the news and moreover elly 7ara2 dam ahly aktar...
iran dispised the congress decision...
iran elly la nakata laha wala gamal fil mawdo3... maybe deplomatic affairs... maybe neighbouring affairs... but not HOME AFFAIRS...
belzimah mesh deh musibah sudah...???
ana etfala2t 7'alaaaaas...
w karart el 2edrab... w haffattar Youssef Koushary 7edadan 3ala el karamah al 3arabyah...

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